My latest three books, “Transcendent,” “Sweet & Dark,” and “Suddenly, Omega” are now available in paperback form. While I hadn’t initially released them in paperback, I had always intended to. The process to format the interior of each, along with designing a full cover, always takes more time than the ebook version. I wanted to take my time and do it right, instead of rushing something that may not have been as polished.
My upcoming sci-fi series is well underway now. I am hoping to give readers early access to the first story in the series, “Artifact of the Dawn,” through Kindle Vella, followed by releasing it as a novel through KDP after it’s concluded on that platform.
My question to you, dear readers, is do you prefer to read your sci-fi novels as ebooks, paperbacks, or hard cover? I may offer all three, in time, but the preferred format will likely be published first.