Snippets and Articles and Chapters, Oh My!
I know some of my readers have been waiting a long time for my upcoming sci-fi novel, Artifact of the Dawn. As I’m finishing the last of my edits, I am posting non-spoiler snippets of the novel to my Ko-Fi account. Some are free to read for everyone and some will require a small donation to access.
Besides these snippets, now that I have rebranded my non-fiction writing on Medium to reflect my Grayson Bell pen name, I am also posting links to my new and select past articles to Ko-Fi as well. I’m doing this because I know not everyone can afford the $5/month (or $50/year) membership to join Medium, so I’m offering access to my articles through Ko-Fi for only $1.
Anyone who donates or joins with a monthly membership will also have access to those. I’m keeping all the donation and membership fees low for now, but I may add higher value membership tiers with additional content in the future.
After I have completed Artifact of the Dawn, I’ll be giving early access by releasing two chapters each week simultaneously on Kindle Vella and Ko-Fi. Accessing the chapters should cost about the same on either platform. The reason I’m releasing the chapters on both is because I know not everyone wants to have an Amazon account, and Kindle Vella is only accessible in the U.S. This way, my international readers can read the chapters as I release them (two each week). Six weeks after I have published the entire story on Kindle Vella and Ko-Fi, the novel will be available for purchase by anyone who prefers to read it as a book, instead of a serialized story.
So stay tuned for more news! In the meantime, why not buy me a cup of coffee and check out the content I’m dropping on Ko-Fi?