A Discovery Jevan hefted the dusty, leather-bound tome onto the table where he’d been working. He opened it slowly, because of how fragile these

With the rise of more independent and self-published authors, scammers are having a field day, taking advantage of new authors as they learn to

While I’m waiting for my beta readers to complete their review of “The Medellan Conspiracy,” I was thinking of dropping some

For anyone who would like to receive regular updates on the progress of The Cycles of Revelation series, be notified of discounts and deals on sci-fi

It’s Read an Ebook Week, a week that encourages readers to pick up the digital device of their choice and download a new book to read.

From now through March 14, 2024, get a great deal on some great sci-fi & fantasy novels. Dive into the Scions of Oth series by Jack Shilkaitis,